The LV Summit looks interesting. The description says no outside speakers, just CREonline staff. Besides JP and Terry and Jeanne…who else is considered staff? Not that JP and Terry aren’t enough of a draw (no offense Jeanne), but curious who else will be there? Just a few hours of round table discussion or deal makers forum with Terry would make it worth the drive…
I am also curious about the agenda. I have some other people I want to meet who are not part of the event. If I had a better handle not he agenda I could book things so I minimise the conflicts.
The Summit info has been updated to include two presenters, but I’m assuming the schedule of events won’t get worked out till later. Regardless of any presentations, if there is a discussion format or round table format where participants can ask questions about real pending deals, Terry is wonderful in deal making mode. That alone is worth going for.
Hi Kristine,
We’ve been working with a team of investors/teachers/coaches for some time now. They will be teaching the 100% educational material at the CRE Summitt.
Should I go?
Hey everyone. I’m a beginner in REI and just wanted to ask if it would be best to go to the Las Vegas Summit or if I should save that money and use it to buy a REI course or two? I’ve been reading off and on about REI for years, but am just now getting serious about it. I have limited funds (though I can afford the Summit), so I just want to get the most bang for my buck. Any suggestions?
Falcons Fan…Spend your money on whatever it takes to get you off the couch and doing your first deal. You never stop learning when youre in real estate and many of the best lessons come when youre actually experiencing it firsthand. Most people never have the nerve to do that first deal. It took me 4-5 years of “talking” before I took that step. Once I bought the first one though it was no biggie buying 3 more over the next 18 months.
I had a conversation with a friend who is a big Dave Ramsay follower last night and loves to save money and invest in his 401k. He helps me with rehab work so and knows what im doing. When I tried to point out how much more he could make for retirement by a buying a duplex or 2 he couldnt even fathom the idea of the additional debt.
Most people cant do this…PROVE TO YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN!
Thanks a lot, Brandon, for the advice. You know, I’ve been sitting on this whole “I’m going to get into Real Estate one day” idea for nearly 10 years, but it really has just been fear (and maybe a bit of laziness) holding me back. I suppose I’ll have to figure out whether seminars or books/DVDs are better for my own education and motivation.
It’s funny you mentioned a conversation you had about Dave Ramsey. I’ve gone back and forth over his wealth building philosophy vs. that of Robert Kiyosaki and the like for quite some time. I’ve decided that Ramsey’s way of doing things is especially good for those people that are hired by the people that follow Kiyosaki. Not everyone can or wants to be in the B-quadrant, and for those folks, Ramsey offers a slow but steady, safe solution.
It’s great to know that after pushing through that first deal things become less intimidating. It’s encouraging to hear that you’re off to a great start and it all happened b/c you were willing to expand your comfort zone and take action. I guess that’s my next step…
Someone whos going to the LV summit needs to take 45min out of one day during the week and go down the the Nevada Legal News and come back and post wether or not its still standing room only during the trustee sales or if enough people have lost intrest that you can actually get a chair to sit down in.
Its basically the second building north of the corner of Charleston and 4th and on the west side of the road, and the sales are in the lobby. 930 S. 4th st.
[QUOTE=atl_falcons_fan;883359]Hey everyone. I’m a beginner in REI and just wanted to ask if it would be best to go to the Las Vegas Summit or if I should save that money and use it to buy a REI course or two? I’ve been reading off and on about REI for years, but am just now getting serious about it. I have limited funds (though I can afford the Summit), so I just want to get the most bang for my buck. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]
I have no idea what sort of money you would be spending if you attended vs. if you did something else.
I am flying in from the UK for a meeting in Phoenix. I am detouring to LV to attend the summit. I am also adding about 5 days to the trip so a bit of an expense for the extended time in the US. I have been to one prior annual CREOnline meeting plus I am a Lenders Workshop graduate. I am confident the lectures at the summit will have some real value given the track record from prior events.
The fee for the summit is pretty low. The hotel costs are reasonable and at the same time an extra expense compared to being at home.
If you have been delaying pulling the trigger, a live event can be a lot better at motivating someone to take action. You will be learning a lot based on JP has said so no real loss on that front compared to a course. You will also make connections with people who you can reach out to if you have questions later.
If you actively use the forum to make connections before the event and then to follow up, you will have a stronger support network than any home-study course can provide.
The company doing the training seminar in Las Vegas is Business Mentor Coaching an affiliate of CRE Online.
The agenda is:
Friday 9am to 5pm (Dinner & Networking Party 6pm to 8pm)
Saturday 9am to 5pm
Sunday 9am to 4pm
I believe the $89 room rate at the Rio expires after Feb. 1.
Thanks Jeanne,
The time line gives me something to work with so I can book some other meetings outside of the summit activities.