your personal experience with birddogs. - Posted by RR

Posted by Kristine-CA on January 25, 2002 at 17:10:48:

RR: there has been a lot of discussion of this topic on this board, especially the last few months. Check the archives under “bird dogs”, “birddogs” and maybe “finder’s fees” and I’m sure you’ll find lots of food for thought. Sincerely, Kristine

your personal experience with birddogs. - Posted by RR

Posted by RR on January 24, 2002 at 23:34:14:

How you guys(gals) doing with bird dogs? would provide some statistics, % of deals coming from them.

I might run an ad like this:

1 call = $300,00
I buy/lease houses, if you refer me to a vacant house I buy, I’ll give you $300,00 phone:555-555-5555
Do you recommend any changes to this ad or a better approach?