your course - Posted by Than

Posted by Ed Garcia on May 11, 2002 at 16:38:48:


Please understand that sometimes when we give an explanation on the board, it’s not just for the person who’s post we’re answering. It’s for the benefit of others who might read the board as well. I realize that you are not new.

Have a nice week-end,

Ed Garcia

your course - Posted by Than

Posted by Than on May 10, 2002 at 22:53:28:

Dear Ed,
I would like to know if you offer your course “How to get the Lenders Fighting over you” in a home study course form? Because I am unable to travel at this time.

Please advise.

Re: your course - Posted by Ed Garcia

Posted by Ed Garcia on May 11, 2002 at 12:19:46:


Thank you for showing an interest in our workshop.

The problem with a written course is that it’s hypothetical.

Because it’s hypothetical it may not work or be applicable to the circumstances or conditions of the individual.

The reason our course is so successful is not just because of the information and teachings, but because of the ability we have to take the information and apply it to the individual. Each individual’s circumstance is different, Income, Credit, Assets, Market Place, etc. What may work for one investor may not even be applicable to another.

If an investor is ready for a WLOC, well get them one. If their not, then well posture them to get one and show them how to maximize their financial strength (Borrowing Power) and do deals until that time.

I can’t tell you how often I see information misapplied therefore not working.

Terry Vaugan calls this a game. I often harass him about his cavalier attitude, but to be honest with you, Terry’s right.

In our business we have many challenges and there constant. But once you break that barrier of No, Can’t, there is no limit to getting to where you want to go.

There is no question knowledge is POWERFUL if applied. It’s an exercise in futility if not.

Than, when I started this, I wanted to help the serious investor get to their next level, not educate the novelist.

I don’t mean to sound stuffy, but there are a lot of good courses out there for the beginner. But there are few, that teach the subject for investors the way Terry and I do.

I’m the first to agree that this course is not for everybody.

Ed Garcia

Re: your course - Posted by Than

Posted by Than on May 11, 2002 at 12:29:26:

I have experience in buying and selling houses through creative finance, I have also, used lines of credit up to 50% the worth of my home to buy houses, and I have also leveraged deals. I have used both Carlton Sheets, and Ron LeGrand’s methods of purchasing houses. What I’m trying to say is that, I’m not a newbee, at real estate investing. I’m just looking to expand my knowledge in the area of financing my deals.