writing a lease - Posted by Brad Barnes

Posted by Maureen McAdam on June 28, 2002 at 13:07:36:

What information needs to be in a lease

writing a lease - Posted by Brad Barnes

Posted by Brad Barnes on April 23, 2002 at 01:33:04:

Do you need a lawyer to write up a rental property lease agreement? I was wondering because I saw at my public library a book on how to write up your own lease agreements.

Re: writing a lease - Posted by JHyre in Ohio

Posted by JHyre in Ohio on April 23, 2002 at 07:17:33:

Feel free to write up your own, but pay an attorney that does evictions for a living to review it. You cannot possibly know all of their tricks & tips. It’ll be money well spent…I’m a lawyer, and I still pay specialists to review my contracts.

John Hyre