Would Like To Get My Feet Wet! - Posted by Ontario Stallings

Posted by Radclif on December 08, 2004 at 10:38:22:

What state are you in?

Would Like To Get My Feet Wet! - Posted by Ontario Stallings

Posted by Ontario Stallings on December 08, 2004 at 08:03:35:

Hello All. I’ve been looking into real estate investing for quite some time now-try a few years. I’ve read all kinds of material from Robert Kiyosaki and bought the Carleton Sheets course and various info. on investing. I would figure I would be ready by now! I decided to take a step forward about a year ago and was completely discouraged by my experience. I love real estate, it’s what I’ve always wanted to do. Not sales but investing. I went out there and was completely turned away by lenders, so called hard lenders, real estate agents, sellers, other investors. I’m cash poor and have bad credit. I’m thinking I should just take an appraisal course, get a job in the field and go from there; but I don’t have the money for school. I’m interested in flipping/wholesaling, I just need to know where to begin so I can start getting the ball rolling. I’m very eager but a little hesitant. What to do?

Re: Would Like To Get My Feet Wet! - Posted by Rob

Posted by Rob on December 08, 2004 at 13:45:51:

You could join the local investors association. Try partnering with an investor to learn how to do flips. Present yourself as though you are trying to learn and all you have to offer is your labor. I know a young investor who is doing exactly what I’m telling you. He doesn’t make a lot of money and he is too young to have a credit history. All he does is locate the properties and helps out with the rehab. His mentor is allowing him to co-own a duplex and is splitting the profit with him. The young investor had to prove himself first.

Re: Would Like To Get My Feet Wet! - Posted by Dave NY

Posted by Dave NY on December 08, 2004 at 12:56:47:

Education is power. Read up on these boards. It won’t cost you any money only time…time well spent!

Dave NY