Wonder why we have a bad reputation? - Posted by DonKaren-NY

Posted by Ryan B (KS) on March 25, 2008 at 08:59:27:

I wonder how many of the owners would rather dump the property than make the upgrades. Perhaps you can find a deal.

Wonder why we have a bad reputation? - Posted by DonKaren-NY

Posted by DonKaren-NY on March 23, 2008 at 08:35:20:

This is whats happening in my area. Yes most of the parks are for sale but overpriced.
Trailer parks cited for health violations

By NoneRobert Houle By Philip Anselmo, staff writer
Daily Messenger

Canandaigua, N.Y. -
An investigation into the near squalid conditions of 16 mobile home parks in four counties recently led to a state Supreme Court settlement that requires the owners to clean up the parks and bring them up to code.

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that the parks in Ontario, Wayne, Yates and Steuben counties were found to be plagued by contaminated drinking water, leaking waste, mounting heaps of uncollected trash, rodent infestations and, in some cases, exposed electrical wires.

Edgetown Estates in Canandaigua and Vine Street in Naples, along with Westwinds, the Triangle Trailer Park, Willow Creek and Kyte Road in Manchester, were among the list of mobile home parks to be cited for repeated health code violations.

Repair orders issued by the court for Vine Street included exposed electrical boxes, uncollected trash heaps and driveway potholes.

Problem mobile home parks
The 16 mobile home parks found to be in repeated violation of health code were spread across four counties. They are:

Ontario County
â?¢ Vine Street, 38 Vine St., Naples
â?¢ Edgetown Estates, 2515 County Road 28, Canandaigua
â?¢ Westwinds, 1253 County Road 7, Manchester
â?¢ Triangle Trailer Park, 4273 Route 96, Manchester
â?¢ Willow Creek, 285 Route 21, Manchester
â?¢ Kyte Road, 4361 Kyte Road, Manchester

Wayne County
â?¢ Hillside, 90 Mill St., Clyde
â?¢ Maple Creek, 1688 Marion Road, Palmyra
â?¢ Orchard Estates, 5274 Route 104, Sodus
â?¢ Railroad Park, 3880 Railroad Ave., Williamson

Yates County
â?¢ Acorn Valley, 4851 Sunnyside Road, Italy

Steuben County
â?¢ Brookwood, 7220 Freeman Hollow Road, Bath
â?¢ Brookside, 7581 Route 415, Bath
â?¢ Denwood Terrace, 75 Water St., Bath
â?¢ Town and Country Court, 7552 Route 432, Addison
â?¢ Front Street, 98 Front St., Addison
â??The residents had no choice but to endure harsh and in some cases hazardous conditions because they could not afford to leave,â?? said Cuomo in a released statement. â??The park owners took advantage of this, ignoring the fact that their tenants were exposed to unsafe drinking water, overrun trash facilities and sewage leaking into the ground.â??

The owners of all 16 properties, Glenn and Robert Houle, agreed to a settlement on Dec. 11 that would require the correction of all violations at all parks within 90 days. In addition to the cleanup orders, the Houles were fined $9,000.

Whether the problem properties were inherited is beside the point, according to representatives of the attorney generalâ??s office.

â??The bottom line here is that (the Houles) own the parks now, and they are responsible for the conditions,â?? said Deputy Attorney General Katherine Kennedy. â??What we need is for the residents who live in these parks to live in a safe and non-hazardous fashion.â??

Contact Philip Anselmo at (585) 394-0770, Ext. 322, or at panselmo@mpnewspapers.com.

i lived in one of the trailer parks that the houles owned.they do not pride them selves at being a good lanlord,instead they take advantage of people who have less then they do.they are iggnorant and rude and cold heart.i have delt with glen houle on a personal businees.he toke my home right out from underneath me amd my 2 small children and left us homeless bacause he did not recieve things the ay he wanted them.i have dug deep in to the houles ast and found thousands of people that they have weaseled and minipulated to get money from.they are money hungry and the do business illegaly. all i have to say is thanx thanx alot.
caitlin warner2007-12-22T22:40:49

This story is disgusting and the Houles should be ashamed of themselves. Looks like Glenn is passing the slumlord torch to his son for future generations of Canandaiguans to regard the Houle family as without any class or self respect. All for a little bit of money…pathetic.
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There are a few other trailor parks or"mobile home communities" in the area that have many of the same problems. The trailors that are being moved from Lakeshore Drive are appearing in the park on Saltonstall St. Some of these trailers do not look like they could’ve or should’ve been moved. There are a few that are literally falling apart, how were they legally moved?? There are problems with standing water, potholes, and then there is the conglomerate that owns the Saltonstall street park, they don’t care who they rent lots to, as long as they get their money! In the winter, we are lucky if they plow the roads at decent hours, or in a decent way for that matter. It is just a matter of the big people caring more about money than the little people!!
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in response to the trailers that have been moved to other parks from lakeshore…the only ones allowed
to be relocated passed a C of O and the others were scrapped…I agree there is a huge need for low income housing in ontario co… and Glenn along with others in the area have been taking advantage
of this fact.About 20 years ago I looked at a trailer in crystal beach he wanted to rent out,there was trash,
dirty diapers,etc.,everywhere…toilets and bathroom floor were so disgusting…I suggested that with a break on rent and no security I would clean it up…his response was"no,I’ll get someone to rent as is $800 to move in" wasn’t gonna be me
Jm J. Bullock2007-12-28T00:39:14
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I like how Robert Houle is quoted that they bought the parks with the problems already exsisting. The Houles are synonymous with “Slumlord.”
Geronimo P. Sout2008-01-02T19:23:18

Report AbuseI hate to think that the beautiful Denwood Terrace I grew up in has become the slum that it has. Worst of all, I can’t believe the Houles allowed it to remain like this even after they obtained the property. When I grew up there, you weren’t allowed to have trash build up. Our landlord made sure if there was a sewage leak, it was taken care of immediately. It wasn’t allowed to remain there causing serious potential health hazards. I have been gone from Bath for a long time, but with owners like the Houle’s I’m not surprised that trailer parks have the reputations that they do. I hope someone finds it in their hearts to turn Denwood Terrace back into the community that it was when I grew up there. I can honestly say I was very proud to have grown up there when it was the way it used to be.
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