Winning - litigation against construction company - Posted by Praveen

Posted by John Merchant on September 06, 2008 at 18:12:56:

So who is the builder? Not that I want to know but you asked if any other actions against “the builder” and nobody can answer w/o the name of that builder.

And you can probably Google the name and quickly learn what else that builder has had going on in courts here and there.

It’s quite common for multitude of suits, such as defective constr in condos, to be rolled into one class action so that’s probably what’s going to be happening here to these suits vs. the builder.

Condo “defective construction” actions have been frequent class actions across the country so nothing new here.

Typically these things take 2-5 years to get going and then wind up so don’t look for any money in your next mail or two.

Winning - litigation against construction company - Posted by Praveen

Posted by Praveen on June 22, 2008 at 20:46:33:

Hello everyone.

I am living in a community - townhouses and over a years some homeowners has reported leakage issues in the townhouses. With numerous reported issues, home owner association inspected (EISF-stucco) every houses in the community and all the houses in the communty were reported to have stucco issue. As per the report there were construction flaws and as result of which water has entered into the stucco and must have damaged the internal wood also.

There is similar community from same builder in close proximity to ours and they were constructed at the same time. That community had also faced the same issue and have already started reparing all the house. All wood/plywood behind the stucco were rotted and had mold. entire stucco from front and behind of the houses are ripped and redone everything. COst to middle units came to 24-30K and end unit came to 50-60K.

Below are the reasons listed in inspection report for aboves mentioned issues
Kickouts were missing
Windows were not caulked properly
Shutters are installed unstaisfactory
Windows header accent were not properly sealed.
Door header flashing were not caulked.
Downspout fastener were not caulked.
Windows assembly were not proper and had leaks etc

Ours and other community have filled for litigation against the builder.

Quick question -
Has anyone came across of any litigation against the buider?
How long does it take to finalize the judgement?
What is the possibility of winning the case?

Any thought would be greatly appreciated.
