Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by James

Posted by Jon Richards on September 04, 2002 at 12:25:34:

Need more information. The “Caps Lock” is on the left of your key board.

Jon Richards

Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by James

Posted by James on September 28, 2001 at 15:28:50:

I’m interested in the Winning In The Cash Flow Business course so that I can earn some extra income.I’ve read that it is a legit system and I was wondering if anyone has had any success with it.


Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business any success - Posted by joe yoon

Posted by joe yoon on November 18, 2002 at 11:57:48:

wondering if anyone has had any success using this program. How long did it take and what steps in the program did you use?

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Greg A.utrey

Posted by Greg A.utrey on September 04, 2002 at 24:14:36:

Give me the low down on this Cash Flow Business. And why don’t you guys post answers?

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by gary martin

Posted by gary martin on August 28, 2002 at 23:47:49:

i want to win

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Matt

Posted by Matt on August 20, 2002 at 23:05:33:

How much is this cashflow? What is a note? Does all that imformation stuff show me the best places to go to fin a note? Please email me back.

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Melanie

Posted by Melanie on February 09, 2002 at 19:43:25:

Hello, I am interested in any comments from anyone who has tried this business like the black man on the commercial who tried it then purchased the program. I want to know what you tried and how it worked.

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Keithk2

Posted by Keithk2 on October 23, 2001 at 21:06:29:

I’ve posed here before about the WITCFB course and you can find a number of my posts by using the “search” links here on this site

All success
Keith Karolyi
K2 Property Services Inc.

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Jon Richards

Posted by Jon Richards on October 01, 2001 at 19:10:27:

I am not aware of this system, but I do want to encourage you that the discounted note business is do-able and can be quite lucrative. You can earn income when you broker a transaction, and you can save part of the note for your retirement account. People in the business have very large retirement accounts, especially with the new Roth IRAs.

So continue to explore the business, and you will be surprised at how versatile the note business can be.

When you understand the business and the time value of money, you will have skills to also explore real estate investing on a new level.

Contnue to do research. Visit our web site at, the Paper Source at www.papersourceonline and These are the strongest sites, and will teach you a lot about the note business.

Good luck and feel free to call me if you have questions. We are on CA time.

Jon Richards
Publisher, The NoteWorthy Newsletter
800 487 1864.

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by David Butler

Posted by David Butler on September 28, 2001 at 16:00:51:

Hello James,

You’re in luck. That question has been explored about three times over the past two or three months, including most recently again, just last week. Simply type in “russ dalbey” as your key words in the “Search”
facility at the top of this forum, and you’ll pull up all the discussions on that course…

That should help you find out what you are looking for here… and give you some various viewpoints!

David P. Butler

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by william barbaretti

Posted by william barbaretti on September 04, 2002 at 11:55:57:

how can i make the m

Re: Winning In The Cash Flow Business - Posted by Bobby Pridgen

Posted by Bobby Pridgen on January 15, 2002 at 02:43:26:

Sir i’m interested in finding and posting note in reestate. I saw russ dalbey informecial on television. you have my e=mail address.