wind-powered electricity generators - Posted by jon

Posted by DaveD (WI) on November 06, 2003 at 09:08:54:

They’re known as wind chargers and wind turbines. Try google.

wind-powered electricity generators - Posted by jon

Posted by jon on November 03, 2003 at 15:29:38:

My family has some farm land in North Dakota and my dad has put me to the task of figuring out what the usual arrangement is for an alternative energy manufacturer to place a wind turbine on private land. Don’t have any details on these “propeller” things and don’t really even know what they’re called. There is a business in our town that is heavily involved with energy production using alternative sources and we mainly just want to know as much as we can find out before going to talk with them.
Any ideas or direction is of help and appreciated, Jon

Warnings re: wind-powered electricity generators - Posted by calgal

Posted by calgal on November 16, 2003 at 02:35:39:

If you’re thinking about a wind powered electricity generators, read this which really bothered me the first time I heard it told to me:

I have a friend who worked on the Altamont pass windmill/turbine electricity generators in California in the 1980’s (this is several acres of electricity generating windmills) which was largely funded by government grants for the corporations involved intent on taking advantage of this ‘tax benefit’ driven project. He says that as independent and well paid contractors who were pressured to do the job as quickly as possible in an area with alot of granite underground that a number of those ‘wind-powered electricity generators’ were improperly grounded(he says they drastically shortened the 12 foot grounding rods to only about 3 feet to make it look like they were grounded for the inspectors who all had no way of checking how far the rods were in the ground anyway) To this day, whenever we drive out past Livermore towards Manteca and Modesto areas and see those windmills we wonder when a thunderstorm won’t arrive bringing on a major inferno of exploding generators when the unfortunate day arrives!

My advice, make sure whomever you hire to create your generators lets you know whether the ground you are planning to place the generator on is soft enough to ground them properly and make sure you understand what has to be done and watch how they do it!