Why Soft Markets Are GREAT for Investors - Posted by Jeanne

Posted by Jeanne on September 17, 2008 at 10:01:03:

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We’ve put together a great update for you, including:

  • An inspiring new article by lease option expert,
    Wendy Patton

  • A heads-up on how to control real estate with none
    of your own money and very little personal risk–
    even in a soft market

  • Plus, your $100 Subscriber Discount (details below)

Read the current issue of the “CRE Online Newsletter”
by going to:

This issue’s Feature Article:

“Why Soft Real Estate Markets are GREAT for Investors”

Investing in real estate has changed in many
markets in our country. In most areas, the real
estate market has gone soft.

Learn first-hand why experienced real estate
investors will tell you that more money is made in
down markets than in up markets. (Hint: More deals
and less competition.)

New Home-Study Course!

Wendy Patton’s “Real Estate Wealth Building Arsenal”

The experts agree, right NOW is the best time to
invest in real estate! You can’t lose with Wendy
Patton’s four-part system–her proven formula that
shows YOU how to invest in real estate with none of
your own money or credit.

You’ll learn FOUR different strategies,
specifically–how to tap into the hidden sources
of leads for lease option and “subject to” deals.

It doesn’t matter if you are in a soft market or a
strong market; Wendy’s techniques work in BOTH!

Your $100 Subscriber Discount

From now until midnight on Wednesday, September
24th, take a $100 Discount off Wendy Patton’s
“Real Estate Wealth Building Arsenal.”

Details here: CRE Online Newsletter - CREOnline

The only way to get your $100 Discount is to enter
your Discount Code into your shopping cart:

===> Your Discount Code: (For subscribers only)

      • This Offer Expires October 28th * * *

So take a break, relax, and enjoy the tips, tools, and
profit-making information in this issue of the
CRE Online Newsletter:


JP Vaughan, Publisher
Creative Real Estate Online