Who's paying the realtor? - Posted by Tony Singh

Posted by Bill Jacobsen on October 03, 2007 at 17:20:33:

The seller and the seller’s agent negotiates the commission. For instance, if they negotiate 6% the split is usually 3 and 3%. It could be 3.5% to the seller’s agent and 2.5% to the buyer’s agent.

If you are the seller you want the buyer’s agent to get at least the going rate which in our area is 3%. I will sometimes pay a total of 7% so that the buyer’s agent will get 4%. I do this to make sure that my houses get shown by buyer’s agents.


Who’s paying the realtor? - Posted by Tony Singh

Posted by Tony Singh on October 03, 2007 at 11:38:41:

My agent found a potential fixer upper property listed on the MLS, Since I’m planning on wholesaling to another investor I wanted to ask who exactly pays both of the realtor’s involved and also on the hud-settlement docs does it show the names of realtors involved? does My name also come up?

Re: Who’s paying the realtor? - Posted by Bill Jacobsen

Posted by Bill Jacobsen on October 03, 2007 at 16:50:02:

The seller pays the realtors. The agencies involved show up on the documents. If you are a party to the transaction your name shows up.

Bill Jacobsen

Re: Who’s paying the realtor? - Posted by Tony singh

Posted by Tony singh on October 03, 2007 at 17:08:29:

So your saying even the buyers agent gets paid by the seller in addition to listing agent? I assume they get a commission split right?