wholesaling - Posted by bill

Posted by Brandon on January 01, 2003 at 18:36:05:

REALTORS® get paid from the seller because they have a listing contract with the agent agreeing to a commission when the house is sold. The agent gets paid if he is not present. If the agent has encouraged his client to accept your offer, he has a vested interest in getting it closed. Put him to work. Double-check for yourself.

wholesaling - Posted by bill

Posted by bill on January 01, 2003 at 07:18:29:

i have legrands wholesaling course. in his course he says
after his offer is accepted he takes over from there and
does the title work and sets up the closing. my question
is. do you only need the realtor to submit offer and then
you are done with them? also how do they get a commision
and do they even need to show up at closing?

thanks everyone