Wholesaling Marketing - Finding Deals - Posted by Robi

Posted by Robi on March 04, 2008 at 17:51:38:

Thanks, Larry. Good info!

Wholesaling Marketing - Finding Deals - Posted by Robi

Posted by Robi on March 02, 2008 at 18:10:13:


I live in MA and am starting wholesaling. What is the best way to attract deals? I have a busy, busy job, so I’d like to do what will attract the most deals while spending the least amount of time. I don’t mind spending a few bucks (say $50 a month) on marketing to start.

-buying leads from a website?
-letters or postcards? Is one better than the other?
-classified ads?
-bandit signs?

Thank you!

Re: Wholesaling Marketing - Finding Deals - Posted by LarryK

Posted by LarryK on March 02, 2008 at 19:08:45:

Bandit signs, flyers, business cards, and your feet are the least expensive methods and the best “bang for your buck”.

You may also want to do some direct mail to targeted neighborhoods if it fits within your budget.