Who Pays? - Posted by BR

Posted by Randy (SD) on February 27, 2004 at 16:05:48:

Your homeowners insurance should pay for the damage anyway, but I would go after the RE agent (if you know which one left the door unlocked)?

Who Pays? - Posted by BR

Posted by BR on February 27, 2004 at 15:50:35:

Selling a home thru a realtor (lock box and keys for both doors). I’m not sure how this happened, but the house was broken in to. The first door, with a double lock was fine. The second door going into the living room was kicked in. The door is fine but the trim and locks need to be replaced. The house has sold and the buyer wants this fixed. Is this my responsibility? There’s no way anyone could of broken in if the realtor(s) showing the home had remembered to lock the first door!

Your opinion please.

Re: Who Pays? - Posted by Thanks Guys! (nt)

Posted by Thanks Guys! (nt) on February 29, 2004 at 09:47:04:


Re: Who Pays? - Posted by Cheryl Lopez

Posted by Cheryl Lopez on February 28, 2004 at 24:41:08:

  1. Read your listing agreement about “lockboxes” and “insurance”. Every state uses different forms and wording.

  2. Your listing real estate agent can have the lockbox electronically “read” when the agent opened the lockbox the agent’s code is reported to the lockbox security company.

  3. I am sure you have mentioned the break in problem with your agent especially since your buyer wants the damage repaired. I am curious what your agent or the real estate company broker or manager has responded to your situation. If you do not receive satisfaction from your agent … then go to the broker or the office manager. At least for good well the company and/or agent at fault should pay the repair bill.

  4. I review the California listing forms though in the lockbox and insurance category which unfortunately exempt the listing broker from liability of property loss or damage related to the lockbox.

But still try to receive compensation from whoever is the quality real estate agent or company on your damage.

Cheryl Lopez