Who Pays for Title Insurance? - Posted by Ray G

Posted by David Krulac on September 13, 2000 at 19:37:06:

Custom usually dictates who pays. In my county the buyer pays. In some other locations the buyer pays. The seller has no obligation to show you his title insurance, as it is meaningless. You want to know the state of the title when you get it not when he got it.
It could have been squeeky clean when he got it but messed up beyond belief now!

Who Pays for Title Insurance? - Posted by Ray G

Posted by Ray G on September 13, 2000 at 15:10:20:

If you buy a house subject to then who is the responsible party for paying title insurance?
and what is title insurance commitment? Does the seller have to show me he had title insurance? and how about when i sell the house do we have to buy insurance again?

Ray G