Which side is Rear? - Posted by Carole

Posted by Robert TX on October 05, 2003 at 24:59:46:

The front is normally the side of the house where it is addressed, e.g. if it is addressed on Main Street that is its front side.

Which side is Rear? - Posted by Carole

Posted by Carole on October 04, 2003 at 18:16:28:

City planners are not basing setbacks on our logical front, rear and sides, but instead are saying our sides are front & back, etc because our logical rear has the setback of a side. Calif house was built 24 yrs ago. City code does not define lot sides in terms of setbacks but instead setbacks in terms of lot sides. This fact does not help. Is there anything outside of city code that could be used to clarify how to determine front, rear & sides of a single family residence?

Re: Which side is Rear? - Posted by Bill H

Posted by Bill H on October 05, 2003 at 12:48:28:

In most municipalities the shortest side of the lot is considered the front. Say you have a corner lot that is 100 X 150. The side that is 100 would be considered the front for all planning and zoning purposes. The logic as I was told is that there is less to no chance of the short side being split off, divided, etc.

Good Luck,

Bill H