Which mailing list is good and inexpensive? - Posted by whyK

Posted by Dan Auito on January 03, 2004 at 01:23:47:

Hope it helps K.

Which mailing list is good and inexpensive? - Posted by whyK

Posted by whyK on January 03, 2004 at 24:42:39:


I spent half day today, calling around and looking around for mailing list. I want to get the list of 2000 homeowners around here for direct mailing effort. It looks like, info USA was the one of the trusted one. The cost was $330 with infoUSA. This was just to download the list. I found bunch of other services, but less expensive ones didn’t let me choose to select “homeowners”.

Anyone knows better alternatives? Any comments about infoUSA?

Thanks a lot!

Re: Which mailing list is good and inexpensive? - Posted by BC

Posted by BC on January 03, 2004 at 21:59:19:

Why not use the county property tax records. You can probably see them free on the internet. Probably won’t cost you anything. They usually tell you the mailing address for the owner. However you will have to do a little work to put them into your database or write them on the mailing.


Re: Which mailing list is good and inexpensive? - Posted by Dan Auito

Posted by Dan Auito on January 03, 2004 at 24:49:34:

Did you check Data Quick?

Re: Which mailing list is good and inexpensive? - Posted by whyK

Posted by whyK on January 03, 2004 at 24:55:50:

No, Dan. I’ll check them out. Thanks.