Where to Invest in RE - Posted by danlmacker

Posted by Carl CA on May 04, 2004 at 20:55:33:

Neat link Robbie, thanks.


Where to Invest in RE - Posted by danlmacker

Posted by danlmacker on May 03, 2004 at 11:29:00:


I live in NYC. The RE market here is near impossible for Creative deals. I am thinking of going out of state to another town. I plan to still live in NYC, but to travel often to, and even live part-time in whatever state/town I decide to go to. I am thinking of Atlanta, or Macon Georgia. I am also thinking of New Orleans, Louisiana; or somewhere in Pennsylvania (dont know where).

I plan to pick a town (out of state), then begin to study, visit and invest in that town. Can anyone recommend any town/state for me where Creative real estate is still possible? I am a black guy, by the way (that should matter?). Thanks.


Re: Where to Invest in RE - Posted by Robbie Burns

Posted by Robbie Burns on May 04, 2004 at 10:26:02:

Go to www.narei.com, click on “Benefits” and read the “Fifth Migration” and the “Garrison Cycle”. It may be an eye-opener about where to invest and why.

Re: Where to Invest in RE - Posted by Carl CA

Posted by Carl CA on May 04, 2004 at 09:18:21:

Check out Buffalo. It’s heavily depressed and there are many, many creative deals you could work there that would cash flow well. Much closer to you, low barriers to entry too. Don’t expect to sell quickly though.


P.S. I’m a white guy, by the way (that should matter?)

Good luck.

Re: Where to Invest in RE - Posted by culho

Posted by culho on May 05, 2004 at 17:16:28:

I have read those articles. they are good, but could anyone name a few of these absorption cities?