Where to advertise M/H notes for sale? - Posted by Bill Kay

Posted by John Merchant on January 02, 2009 at 18:05:34:

As Dr. B says, it wouldn’t be too onerous to spend a few hours in LV seeing what’s for sale and how it’s being advertised.

While surprisingly NV is a tough state on illegal securities sales, I suspect if you’ll really study the newspaper and bulletin boards and ad media in LV you might spot some other secs being sold and see how they’re proceeding.

Also a drop by or phone call to NV Sec. Division and a chat with one of their people might net you some good info about what they’d permit (and not) you to do in advertising such MH notes.

As Dr. B says these tend to be local markets as who wants a tin-can note 4 or 5 states away.

Where to advertise M/H notes for sale? - Posted by Bill Kay

Posted by Bill Kay on January 02, 2009 at 11:25:32:

I’m a licensed transporter, installer and a salesman in Nevada. I would like to know where is the best place to advertise M/H notes for sale? I would appreciate all the advice.

Locally. - Posted by Dr B(OH)

Posted by Dr B(OH) on January 02, 2009 at 14:03:27:

Most buyers want to be local to you or your note asset. That way they can have access to you or the asset.

Don’t they still have gamblers in LV? Surely combing the crowds would net you a few sales.