What to expect? (marketing and wholesaling) - Posted by carsonp

Posted by Ron M on October 19, 2006 at 20:30:19:

Hi Carson,

Since no one has responded yet, I will tell you my take on this. I have been doing post cards for a couple of weeks now and haven’t really gotten any response. I am sure that with consistent and persistent effort the response will come.

Having said that, you may get a deal the first time out. If it isn’t the type of deal you want, don’t worry about it. Someone else wants it, if it is a deal. You can imagine that only motivated sellers are going to call on a post card, that is what you want. Why are they motivated? Because, they are behind in their payments, they cannot afford expensive repairs or they are upside down in their property. It all comes with the territory.

When you find one that you can’t handle, call someone from your local real estate investment club or call someone who is running an I buy houses ad, and sell the deal. You don’t have to ask for a lot, but maybe you can gain some education from the person who buys the deal. Maybe they will give you a percentage of the deal they put together combined with some education on how to do a deal like that yourself one day.

Keep up the good work.

Ron M (WA)

What to expect? (marketing and wholesaling) - Posted by carsonp

Posted by carsonp on October 15, 2006 at 15:48:24:

Im figuring things out right now for marketing (website, post cards, etc.) so i can attract some motivated sellers with intent on wholesaling. Now, Im plannong on doing 2 step marketing (they call for a message or go to the website instead of calling me directly) for a few reasons and the main one is I dont have a ton of time to answer my phone due to my job.

So im trying to figure out what i should expect to get from potential sellers. How many of these calls will likly be upside down? I dont want to get into short sales yet.

Is it going to take 99 upside down homeowner calls before Ill get someone whos just looking to sell fast AND has a bit of equity?

Or is this something i just shouldnt be worrying about?