What to do? - Posted by Richard (TX)

Posted by Steve-WA on March 12, 2003 at 14:17:48:

“A good friend called today”; tread lightly, dear Richard.

What was the previous use of the land? Why 5 meters> I’m curious. What is the status of the septics/drain fields? Good? Empty? Not clogged?

although many here poo-poo developing a new park, due to the expense, I would consider that most of the poo-poo is on getting utilities and sewage systems in. that sounds like it is done. Need pads, road, and much due diligence. Sounds interesting, but I would definitely research this deeply - or you may be buried in the same manner.

Check Ray Alcorn’s article on due diligence


concurrently, post this request on the commercial board. I’m betting you would get better response there.


What to do? - Posted by Richard (TX)

Posted by Richard (TX) on March 10, 2003 at 21:01:12:

A good friend called today and they mentioned that they want to sell their land and home. They want $100K. It is 5 acres with 2 MH’s, 1 small 2/1 frame, 1 log cabin style 3/2, 5 water meters, and 6 septics. The small house could be sold separate with say 1/2 acre. My question is would this be a decent start for a MHP. It is a long strip of land with a bad gravel drive down one side and the log cabin type house at the back of the property. It is outside the city limits about 1/4 mile and does not have to meet any city requirements. Average lot rents for our area is about $200. Does this sound reasonable?
Thank in advance.

God Bless and happy investing.
Richard McCaslin