What state is the best for REI ??? - Posted by John

Posted by Randall(OH) on July 19, 2004 at 12:08:41:

Usually the best state to invest in real estate is the one you are currently living in.

What state is the best for REI ??? - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 19, 2004 at 09:27:26:

What is the best State in the US to invest in Real Estate?

How many of you are investing in outer state properties?

Has anyone done a sale without seeing the property in person, just by pictures?


Your own state is right !! But… - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 19, 2004 at 23:58:43:

Thanks for the responses…

From what I’m looking at in New York, rent prices are almost the same here and up and down the East Coast. NY maybe 10% higher. But the price of properties in NY are way higher then other States. I’m not giving up searching for the right deal. I will find the right deal!! But I just wanted to see what other people were doing about outer state properties…


Re: What state is the best for REI ??? - Posted by John

Posted by John on July 19, 2004 at 19:16:25:

The best state when you are starting out? The one you live in or the
other one if it is less then 10 miles away.

If you want to invest at distance and have experience or have cash to
pay for the pain, south and west are the general trends so look for
good employment centers in the south and west.


Florida - Posted by Mike

Posted by Mike on July 19, 2004 at 12:38:20:

Your question is pretty general so I will stick with a general response : FLORIDA

Re: What state is the best for REI ??? - Posted by Randall(OH)

Posted by Randall(OH) on July 19, 2004 at 12:08:58:

Usually the best state to invest in real estate is the one you are currently living in.