What questions do you want answered? - Posted by Judson

Posted by judson on April 27, 2006 at 10:20:04:

Wow, that is a complex but good question. I will see if we can get a good attorney on the horn to answer these questions.

Thanks for the question.

Get Real, the Real Estate Investing Podcast for the Rest of Us

What questions do you want answered? - Posted by Judson

Posted by Judson on April 25, 2006 at 20:07:46:

We do a weekly show on real estate investing and invite experts around the country to be interviewed about a specific topic. What questions are you dying to get answered? We will do what we can to get them answered.

Get Real, The Real Estate Investing Show for the Rest of Us

Re: What questions do you want answered? - Posted by speednxs

Posted by speednxs on April 26, 2006 at 24:39:27:

We all know that LLCs can be used to separate liability to a single property. Debt can be used to make a property judgement proof. You may as well throw in using a land trust to hide assets from the casual attorney. How can a single person use a combination of these tools to make a single property itself liability proof (assuming you have enough money to own it outright). If you have one entity lend money to another to put debt on the property is there a minimum interest rate that would be considered valid? E.g. can you lend money to yourself for less than 1%? Can the “corporate veil” be pierced if a single person is on both sides of the entities?