What are Short Sale Tax/Legal Implications? - Posted by Joe S
Posted by Joe S on April 13, 2009 at 12:42:06:
Hello All…
I own 2 homes… living in one. I live in CA.
Having a terrible time selling or renting the vacant home. It’s now in foreclosure process, having gotten behind. I’m working with the mortgage company with a gov’t loan called Home Savers Advantage, whereby the gov’t loans you $ at 5% to cover the past amt due… in this case, about 3 months worth.
I owe about $230,000 on the first loan for this house, which has a mkt value of about $375,000.
Only problem is, there is a $200,000 bridge loan on it. Since the loan was taken out, the house values have declined and the house can no longer support a, in this case, $430,000 sales price. ($230 + $200)
If I try to short sell it (rather than taking the gov’t loan), it will be a short sale only for the 2nd lien holder because the $230,000 will easily be paid off. But the 2nd lien holder (bridge loan) won’t be fully covered by a sale price of $375,000.
So, apparently this would be a short sale only for the 2nd lien holder. Most of the bridge loan would be paid off, but not all.
In most cases, will the 2nd lien holder agree to a short sale? Would they “eat” the loss, or have me pay the remaining balance? From what I understand, they won’t transfer the security from the original property to another.
Also, what are the tax implications on a short sale, if any?
Thanks so much to all those far wiser than I.