wetland deleniation - Posted by Travis

Posted by John on May 14, 2005 at 09:12:34:

Gee, nothing like destroying more of the rainforests!

wetland deleniation - Posted by Travis

Posted by Travis on May 10, 2005 at 19:41:45:

Who does wetland deleniation? Corp of engineers? I am looking into developing a piece of land and was curious about this. I have a reasonable guess on some of the costs from a civil engineer. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

Re: wetland delineation - Posted by Max in OH

Posted by Max in OH on May 10, 2005 at 20:59:18:

Wetland delineations are performed by qualified consultants, who submit their report to the US Army Corps of Engineers for concurrence. Cost to perform is variable, depending upon acreage and amount of woods/brush. Expect to pay no less than $3000.