Web sites for your business - Posted by Dan

Posted by chris (ny) on November 18, 2003 at 12:58:21:

great website! are you still in the business? i’m looking to get a
website designed, up and running.

Web sites for your business - Posted by Dan

Posted by Dan on June 02, 2002 at 13:34:07:

I’m looking for an example of web sites that you use in conjunction with your business. What works and what doesn’t work for you. Do you have someone create and manage it or do you do it yourself. Please post or email your address.



IBuyCincinnatiHouses.com and CincyWholesaler.com - Posted by Chad (Cincinnati)

Posted by Chad (Cincinnati) on June 02, 2002 at 22:42:53:

Hi Dan,

I’m relatively new to RE investing (getting started as a wholesaler) and my day job is web design, so I’ve been using my skills to build and maintain a couple different sites. I’ve got one for deal-finding (ibuycincinnatihouses.om) and one to build my buyers list (cincywholesaler.com).

I plan to promote my “deal-finding” site in the next couple weeks – run ads, bandit signs, flyers, etc. I’ve registered several variations of my main domain name and will be using them to track which forms of advertising are working best. In other words, my bandit signs would have one domain name and my flyers may have another, my car sign yet another. When I track my statistics online, I can see what’s generating the most hits on my web site.

So far, I’ve already gotten quite a bit of traffic to my buyers site --I’ve advertized it in my local RE investing club and have gotten a positive response. It has resulted in a good start on my buyers list with a couple leads coming to the surface as some real “go to” type of guys.

Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think…I’d value any feedback you might have.


I was just checking out some today… - Posted by Hank

Posted by Hank on June 02, 2002 at 20:24:55:

Re: Web sites for your business - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on June 02, 2002 at 16:40:47:

Just get on Google and do a search for “I buy houses”, “I buy homes”, “We buy houses” etc.
You will see a TON of websites from other investors this way.
Some of them may even have links to others.

Some manage there own, as well as others paying.
I guess it depends on a few factors, like do you know how to for one.
Even if you can, is your time worth more than what you’d pay to have someone else do it.

I manage my own website. I use MS frontpage, so it is rather easy to do, and does not take much time at all once it was built.
I will admit I had some help building it though.
But, after the main template was completed, I took over from there and made changes to it as I saw fit.
Adding houses as we get them up for sale is really all I need to do anymore, and this only take a minute or two.

Jim FL