Want to send banker a gift for helping with deal, what's the protocol? - Posted by Doug

Posted by Jonathan Rexford on April 15, 2000 at 09:23:48:

I do not if this will help, But my commercial Lender that is financing the commercial park that I have been developing sent me a Nice day planner and a dinner certificate… I questioned him about the dinner certificate and it was from personally and not from the company, but the day planner was from the Bank…I guess they got rid of the toasters. Either way I suppose if it is done you should do it away from the lenders eyes just to cover his job.

Jonathan Rexford

Want to send banker a gift for helping with deal, what’s the protocol? - Posted by Doug

Posted by Doug on April 15, 2000 at 08:01:16:


Just closed on an apartment building yesterday that my banker really went to bat for me on. I’d like to send him a thank you note and a small gift (and include how I look forward to doing more business with him in the future). Any suggestions? What do you pros do or send?


Re: Want to send banker a gift for helping with deal, what’s the protocol? - Posted by Mike No. Fl.

Posted by Mike No. Fl. on April 16, 2000 at 10:35:13:

Doug: Ive have always thought it was in everyone best interest to tell the world if someone has “gone beyone the call of duty”. Send his boss a nice letter, telling of the great employee he has working for him -
Maybe he will get the RAISE that he deserves or needs! maybe he’ll get a award!
tell your friends, fellow investers, etc. Pass the word on…