Wall Street Investors - Posted by The Cash Guys

Posted by Maiysha Daniel on June 27, 2003 at 22:22:18:

You have to get the person to sign a power of attorney with some one that they trust in the states. A power of attorney will allow that person to sign the documentation on their behalf. To insure that they are not cheated inform them to set up an escrow account so that the money can be held until they get to the states or transferred to their account in Equador. Since they are not here the best bet would be to get an actual attorney or an really close and trusted relative to sign for them. The power of attorney can be worded in such a way that the person signing can only have the right to sign the documentation not the right to the actual money.

Wall Street Investors - Posted by The Cash Guys

Posted by The Cash Guys on June 27, 2003 at 21:54:35:

Hello All,
Since the beginning of this year,we’ve been working on a thorough real estate consultant joint venture program,and have finally completed our goal-ready for release.We’d like to hear from all of you,as your input is very much appreciated. I must say that the knowledge and professionalism displayed here is impressive.The information and discussions I’ve read are intriguing.Our current focus is in the real estate, mortgage,and leasing areas.Please call me with any comments or if you’d like to be hired as a consultant.Thanks.

P.S.-We’re currently working on a deal in New Jersey where we’re in touch with the co-signor on the mortgage of the property,but the property owner and deed holder is in a foreign country.The house is in foreclosure,there’s plenty of equity there,but we cannot buy it from the co-signor who wants to sell.The individual is in touch with the owner in Equador.How can we get through this obstacle?Please inform.

Rinde A.
The Cash Guys
67 Wall Street
NY,NY 10005