waiting for title - Posted by dave

Posted by Nick on February 05, 2007 at 13:37:47:

This may be a duplicate post not sure if it went through the first time. Making Money with Mobile Home’s Does have contracts in it. I also created a Mobile Title Addendum for selling a home without receiving the title from the DMV

waiting for title - Posted by dave

Posted by dave on February 05, 2007 at 12:15:00:

When you buy trailers and you have to wait for a clean title from DMV do you wait to pay the seller or is the signed
title good enough? It makes me nervious giving the cash before my title comes back from DMV? Also can anyone tell me does Deals on wheels or the book making money in mh’s have any contracts in them. If not where do you guys get your contracts for this business. A better Question might be which Lonnie Scruggs product will have a few contracts I can use or make changes to use? I understand my attorney will check over any document I use for its effectiveness in the state its being used. Its nice to have a boiler plate though. Thanks again for the help!

Re: waiting for title - Posted by Mike Nelson (NC)

Posted by Mike Nelson (NC) on February 05, 2007 at 13:48:24:

Nick…start with DOW. That has everything you will need to get started including sample contracts. As you said, you want to make sure they are compliant with your state but it is all in there. Order the book today! It is a must…read it several times. In fact, order BOTH books and read them several times. I learn something new every time I read them. As far as the title question goes…as long as the seller has clear title (also call the tax office and make sure taxes are current) and you have it signed over to you in front of a notary then you are fine. Just make sure that YOU take the title to the DMV yourself to have it transferred into your name…do not trust the seller to do it. Once it is signed over to you then the responsibility and control should be yours.