Using the Archives button - Posted by James

Posted by mike Barlow on January 31, 2009 at 08:53:44:

I double post every time or almost everytime on this forum–not sure
how to do it right as I have trouble following instructions–never in the

Using the Archives button - Posted by James

Posted by James on January 30, 2009 at 16:32:12:

I am trying to search for Texas Information and I am finding that most of the information I find in the archive is from 2000-2004.
I am looking for current information about current Texas Laws for doing business here…
Is there a Texas Group that I could ask questions directly too?
I wish we had a vBulletin style forum >> they are sooooo easy to navigate and follow a thread…


Re: Using the Archives button - Posted by bill

Posted by bill on February 03, 2009 at 20:10:50:

I’m an active member of several forums and CRE has is most archaic site I visit. I think it would be much more active and get more readers if it got an update.

The newer forum styles would make it easier to see new posts, promote discussion which in turn results in more page views.

Re: Using the Archives button - Posted by mike Barlow

Posted by mike Barlow on January 31, 2009 at 08:51:41:

Can you post a link that we can navigate to that shows the vBulletin style
you are referring to.


Re: Using the Archives button - Posted by mike Barlow

Posted by mike Barlow on January 31, 2009 at 08:49:28:

Can you post a link that uses the style you are talking about so we can
see for ourselves.


Re: Using the Archives button - Posted by JamesS

Posted by JamesS on January 31, 2009 at 16:38:05:

Here is an example of the vBulletin style forum…
It is very easy to find what you are looking for and the entire CREonline board can be put in the same forum without any confusion…
The search feature works much better and you can set the parameters to find something very specific without any trouble.
Threads are very clear and easy to follow without opening and closing a bunch of links to follow a thought…
It shows you who is on line at the time… You can use a Private message feature to talk to member on the board… You can post pictures… You can have different forums within the forum that are state specific for clubs or groups…
Again >> It is just a suggestion but I think the whole site would benefit from it.

Can you guess what kind of truck I drive?? LOL