Ugly Apartments and Ugly Homes - Posted by Gabriel Romero

Posted by David Krulac on March 22, 2011 at 10:59:19:

landlord tennat court
condemnation notices
code violations
civil suits
tax delinquencies
mortgage foreclosures
etc. etc. etc.

Ugly Apartments and Ugly Homes - Posted by Gabriel Romero

Posted by Gabriel Romero on March 22, 2011 at 01:18:32:

Does anybody know how to find ugly apartments and homes, especially in San Diego? I already am spending time driving around. Are there any other ways you may know of?

Re: Ugly Apartments and Ugly Homes - Posted by Kristine-CA

Posted by Kristine-CA on March 22, 2011 at 13:57:11:

I don’t really understand the ugly house concept, even though I sure
have bought plenty. Why go after ugly homes?

If you are driving for dollars in SD, you have probably already observed
that plenty of houses that look bad do not have distressed sellers and
houses that look fine hide all kinds of (ugly) problems for the sellers.
Properties that appear vacant/abandoned are not the good leads they
once were for me since the bulk will be REOs, are on their way to being
REOs or need a short sale. I still find houses this way, but I have to sift
through a lot more addresses than I did several years ago.

Think like a motivated seller. What could someone do or say or send
in the mail that would make your day if you had a property with
squatters, a property owned with a relatives they hate, a property with
code violations, a junky property they sold with seller financing and
had to foreclose and they got it back with property tax defaults and no
roof (they really should have checked the condition of the property
before not lowering the minimum bid on that one…) The list goes on
and on.

Once you think about what kind of problems motivated sellers have,
then you have to find a way to get the leads. Where do those kinds
problems become public record? Are they online? Can you pay for the

Also, check out the articles section on this site. There are some good
ideas for finding owners of vacant and abandoned properties. And
there are some good ideas for problems that a motivated seller might
have. Happy reading/researching!