Two on deed: One motivated seller, one missing! - Posted by Kent_OR

Posted by TRandle on September 15, 2000 at 14:34:10:

If so, then she should have a decree stating the disposition of the house. Additionally, if she was given the house, she should have a quitclaim deed from the husband or a special warranty deed which grants his interest to the property back to her. Are you sure he’s still on title?

If none of the above is true, it may be time to hire a PI or skip tracer to track him down and offer him a few bucks for the signature.

Two on deed: One motivated seller, one missing! - Posted by Kent_OR

Posted by Kent_OR on September 15, 2000 at 12:20:25:

A woman called on my ad about buying houses. She is extremely motivated. She wants to save her credit. The cause of her motivation is divorce and her husband is nowhere to be found. She doesn’t know where he is. And worse yet, she’s three months behind in her payments.

I’m tempted to pitch to her a lease option that will give her some moving money, catch her payments up and then take over the loan. How do I deal with the deadbeat missing husband?
