Too much spam but don't want to be un-reachable - Posted by John Behle

Posted by G.O. on May 07, 2008 at 22:36:49: - this is the service I came across recently when sending an e-mail to someone. I haven’t tried it myself, but the solution they provide seems to be interesting.


Too much spam but don’t want to be un-reachable - Posted by John Behle

Posted by John Behle on April 25, 2008 at 14:17:35:

I’ve finally had my fill of the spam that comes to the email addresses I have posted here. I may have to block the unique addresses I have used for each newsgroup.

I’ll go with one email address here that won’t be posted so the “bots” can get it. It will be

Most of the “bots” don’t read within the messages, so this should work and this would be the address to email to. I’ll include it at the bottom of posts, but unfortunately any questions or replies posted on the board won’t come to me automatically. I’ve always loved that feature. So now, if someone wants me to notice or reply to a post, they will have to forward that post to or send a short email to point me to the post.

So, if I don’t notice a post or question, please understand it is just because I am avoiding the spam and email me through the address.

Thanks and have a great day, John Behle

Simple Solution - Posted by Jimmy

Posted by Jimmy on April 26, 2008 at 07:25:46:

I noticed this problem a long time ago. so I use a fake email address ( when I post. this stopped the spam pretty fast.

and i’m pretty good about reading the recent threads where I have chimed in. but when someone posts a reply/question to an old one, I am certain to miss it.

take a look ar its a DFW-based REI board. they implemented a process a couple years back that anonymizes the email addresses.

Re: Simple Solution - Posted by John Behle

Posted by John Behle on April 26, 2008 at 21:42:40:

That’s exactly what I am doing. The only real address will now be inside the message at the bottom instead of in the normal email address spot. I use Mailwasher to bounce and delete spam and so far haven’t had to include the addresses used at this site, but now it’s getting too annoying, so I am joining in with all the others that post a fake address in that spot.

There is a really simple script change that can turn that address into a less easily readable graphic in this type of bulletin board software (wwwboard), but I can’t find it any more. I sent it to Terry once, but since they’ve planned to move to a different system it didn’t seem to be needed. The “email poison” at the bottom seemed to stop most of the email address harvesters, but lately they are getting around it somehow. They send their annoying ads and most of them claim we subscribed to their email list. I don’t know why they would expect people to do business with them when their first contact is through a lie.

So, from now on, it is annonymous email except in the last line of the text.

John Behle (