Toll free number VS. Local number - Posted by Joshua_NE

Posted by Jim on March 23, 2003 at 19:54:47:

You sound like you’ve watched one too many guru courses…

Toll free number VS. Local number - Posted by Joshua_NE

Posted by Joshua_NE on March 23, 2003 at 11:32:20:

I’m having trouble deciding between having a local number or a toll free number for motivated sellers to call. Any suggestions? Which works better? I’ve heard different views: a local number has a ‘personable’ feel; a toll-free number is, well, free for callers and their

My local number will be free for my entire county (and surrounding ones as well).

Also, anyone have any experiences with AdTrakker?

Suggestions? thoughts?


Re: Toll free number VS. Local number - Posted by IB (NJ)

Posted by IB (NJ) on March 24, 2003 at 14:53:05:

I use both. My local number is on my cards. But my 800 # is advertised on bandit signs. I also use it for sellers who can’t call long distance. Comes in handy and all calls are forwarded to my cell.

Re: Toll free number VS. Local number - Posted by Jim

Posted by Jim on March 23, 2003 at 11:42:00:

Joshua, I’ve seen it done both ways. I personally use a call phone. Reason is -After talking with numerous “customers” , I have specifically asked them “If you got a machine, would you have left a message?” Most of them said, “NO, I would have just called the next number”. I figure that if I only get one deal a year of the cell phone,it will pay for itself many times over." The old saying “You can’t make money in slow motion” is true. Imagine how you would feel if you found you missed a 30K profit because by the time you got home and picked up the message, the seller had found a different investor to help them out. We are looking to deal with highly motivated sellers and they want their problems solved NOW!That’s how we make the big money- by taking away the sellers problem and pain TODAY- for a fee of course.
Let’s see now - $30,000 buys how much cell phone time?