Title question - Posted by Robert

Posted by Bill H on March 05, 2007 at 10:09:33:

Seek legal advice. You will not get it here for free. Without seeing all the documents no one can say what to do.

Plus, it depends on what your deed of trust says about the collection of rents in event of default.

Talk with a real estate attorney.

Good LUck,
Bill H

Title question - Posted by Robert

Posted by Robert on March 03, 2007 at 18:29:04:

I have recently bankrupt and I own a rental house that was deeded to my corporation. When the loan was made the title company made a mistake and did not catch that the home was not deeded to me, I am the one that that bankrupt not my company(another mistake) . Any way now they have not been able to forclose on the property. My question is can I collect rent? I have property tax and insurance that needs to be paid. Or should I walk a way from it all. and leave a house with a bad title? I have heard many say rent it and others say dont rent it. I would like some better advice from others that really understand the situation. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks Robert