Title Insurance - Posted by Lynn

Posted by Elvis on March 13, 2008 at 20:18:49:

Thank you for your response.

I could of sworn that my purchase agreement did in fact have and/or assigns, but in looking over it I find that it does not. For the record, this deal closed about 2 years ago so it’s water under the bridge. However, the question has been bugging me since the day the agent asked if I wanted title insurance and I wasn’t sure what to say. I ended up saying no, since I knew my buyer would be getting their own title insurance.

So, I signed an agreement with the seller, and signed the identical agreement with my buyer/investor. I used my buyer’s sales agreement (slightly modified to reflect me as the first buyer).

>They will pay you a commission presumably above and beyond the amount your agreement says you are purchasing the Note for.

Yes, except I had the investor make one payment to escrow for the note, and one to me outside of escrow for my fee.

>This will then also allow for full disclosure of what all parties are making - especially if you run the funds through the escrow.

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, and precisely why I had payment sent outside of escrow. If my seller were aware that I made the insane fee of 3 whole percent, he would of had a conniption fit and jeapordized any future business. Further, you’re right the title/escrow company felt the need for full disclosure to the seller, even though there were two seperate transactions taking place, one not involving the seller. Precisely why I had it done the way I did it. How the escrow agent can disclose my transaction with my buyer, to the original seller and still maintain their license is beyond my understanding. Perhaps I should of sued.

After reading your response several times, I’ve finally come to realize that I did not in fact need title insurance, the insurance follows the note holder. Once I give up possession of the note, in theory there’s nothing further for me to worry about.

>2) An alternative way to operate- using the same Note purchase agreement as above. You initally have the Note and Mortgage Assigned to YOU. Thus you are acting as a principal…

>You then Assign the Note & Mortgage to your “JV” partner or end buyer. They pay you and then YOU pay the Note seller (the original Assignor of the Note). No fee disclosure will be needed this way especially if all you contribute to the escrow are the funds necessary to take care of the original Note seller.

This implies my note buyer pays me outside of escrow, prior to my owning & selling them the note, and my seller selling me the note without my having paid for it. I can’t see how or why either party would do that.
I guess I don’t understand what you’re saying. I do however think I now understand the title insurance part, so thank you for that.

Title Insurance - Posted by Lynn

Posted by Lynn on March 04, 2008 at 13:05:12:

I want to buy a note where title insurance was taken out, but not mortgagee insurance. If I do a date down on the title insurance, is this enough protection? The reason I ask is the note is small and any added expense messes up my yield. If possible I would rather just pay for a date down than buying a whole policy.

Mortgagee / Lenders Title Insurance - Posted by Michael Morrongiello

Posted by Michael Morrongiello on March 04, 2008 at 20:26:37:

If the property is located in California- its possible a “JPP” - joint protection policy might have been paid for and issued. This will insured both the purchasers of the property and also the lender (in this case the seller financed lender).

However if no specific mortgagee / lender title insurance policy was issued - then I would persue the HUD 1 and see whether ANY title insurance was paid for and issued at all?

Ideally - the purchaser who bought the property obtained an owners title insurance policy which will insured that the conveyance of title from the seller to the buyer was marketable and insurable.

If no mortgagee / loan title policy was issued then you can certainly do a “date down” to see what if any changes might have occurred surrounding the title to the property. As you are no doubt aware this is NOT a title insurance policy and thus if for some reason the Mortgage was executed on a fradulent basis or some other liens show up that might be deemed superior to the recording of the mortgage in question that you wish to purchase via an assignment- you will be at risk! - Essentially the “Date down” is only a fact finding search about the title of the property and status of taxes. IT DOES NOT OFFER ANY PROTECTION TO YOU WHATSOEVER with regard to the validity of the mortgage lien or its assignment to you.

So caveat Emptor - proceed with caution.

As you stated the $$$ dollar amount of the Note (and mortgage) you are acquiring may be small so to a degree your risk of loss is minimized.

We have an entire section devoted to title insurance, how it involves Notes, and what it insures, etc. in my Unity of Real Estate & “Paper” home study course

Best to your success;
Michael Morrongiello
Author of the following home study courses;

Paper Into Cash - The Convertible Currency - How to Effectively Create Marketable Real Estate Notes
The Unity of Real Estate & “Paper” - Advanced techniques for both the acquisition and disposition of properties using Real Estate “paper”

Re: Mortgagee / Lenders Title Insurance - Posted by Elvis

Posted by Elvis on March 13, 2008 at 17:09:59:

I setup a deal wherein I am acting as principal with my JV partner who has the money, to buy a note. My JV partner and I both know, that when the deal is done, they will own the note and I make a fee they will pay. However, to the seller, it appears I’m the buyer, as the paperwork indicates my name on the purchase contract with the seller. It is not a true JV, as we do not have a separate JV agreement, but merely an understanding. As they are an institution that has been in business for many years, I feel I can trust them - so that’s not the issue. Only the escrow agent/title insurer know where the money is actually coming from.

Do I, as a “broker” of this note (since both buyer and I know I’m actually simply selling it to them in a simo close) need title insurance? Or is it just my end buyer/partner that needs it?

I suppose/assume the identical situation would apply if I were flipping a property instead of a note?

Thank you

Re: Mortgagee / Lenders Title Insurance - Posted by Michael Morrongiello

Posted by Michael Morrongiello on March 13, 2008 at 19:20:23:

Great Balls of Fire Elvis!
Assuming you are not retaining any future, rights, title or interest in the Note along with your “JV” partner… then you can operate one of (2) two ways here;

  1. Your Note purchase agreement should read YOU “and / or your Assigns” that is purchasing the Note - this way you can simply assign your contractural Note purchase agreement to your “JV” or end buyer of the Note. They will pay you a commission presumably above and beyond the amount your agreement says you are purchasing the Note for. This will then also allow for full disclosure of what all parties are making - especially if you run the funds through the escrow.

  2. An alternative way to operate- using the same Note purchase agreement as above. You initally have the Note and Mortgage Assigned to YOU. Thus you are acting as a principal…

You then Assign the Note & Mortgage to your “JV” partner or end buyer. They pay you and then YOU pay the Note seller (the original Assignor of the Note). No fee disclosure will be needed this way especially if all you contribute to the escrow are the funds necessary to take care of the original Note seller.

If operating under # 2 plan - then As for the Mortgagee / Lenders title insurance policy -have the title insurance insured lenders clause read:

“Elvis, his/their successors, and / or assigns as his/their respective interests may appear…”

The Loan title policy will follow any future assignments of the Mortgage (or Deed of Trust) - you can confirm this with your Title agent or their underwriter. If your “JV” partner insists on being the insured- you then have one of two options;

A) Have the initial commitment for title insurance reflect the JV partner as the proposed insured under the lender clause

B) Have an endorsement page given to the JV partner which will alter YOUR name as the insured lender and reflect his/her/their name as the new ASSIGNEE and insured lender.

My Unity of Real Estate & “Paper” study course covers a whole section about Title insurance and “paper” and on the forms disk are several Note purchase agreements.

Best to your success;
Michael Morrongiello
Author of the following home study courses;

Paper Into Cash - The Convertible Currency - How to Effectively Create Marketable Real Estate Notes
The Unity of Real Estate & “Paper” - Advanced techniques for both the acquisition and disposition of properties using Real Estate “paper”

Bryce Mccray - Posted by Charlotte Ellis

Posted by Charlotte Ellis on November 23, 2008 at 01:19:22:

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Staci Wiggins - Posted by Gregg Wolfe

Posted by Gregg Wolfe on November 22, 2008 at 09:34:30:

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Celeste Sargent - Posted by Rachelle Keith

Posted by Rachelle Keith on November 21, 2008 at 03:38:43:

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Billie Fox - Posted by Allyson Logan

Posted by Allyson Logan on November 20, 2008 at 19:45:26:

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dmhxrv rkzvmokb

Layne Herman - Posted by Quinn Hester

Posted by Quinn Hester on November 20, 2008 at 24:28:11:

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kjaqen otuigujy

Derwin Richardson - Posted by Whitney Bell

Posted by Whitney Bell on November 16, 2008 at 08:40:33:

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Terrell Frank - Posted by Basil Mejia

Posted by Basil Mejia on November 15, 2008 at 11:26:01:

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Courtney Ball - Posted by Rosanna Rose

Posted by Rosanna Rose on November 12, 2008 at 16:49:50:
