Title Co's double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by JR

Posted by Billy Boy on April 19, 2002 at 23:08:09:


I have a feeling that "Todd and Muffie " with the Humvee, and “Elmer and Marge” with the tractor have just become official CRE Online lexicon. Wish I’d said that!

Title Co’s double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by JR

Posted by JR on April 19, 2002 at 15:16:20:

What title company in Puget Sound would you recommend for double closings here? I haven’t even bothered to call any yet and thought you might know.

Re: Title Co’s double closing - Posted by JoeKaiser

Posted by JoeKaiser on April 19, 2002 at 23:05:36:

We don’t do “double closings” so can’t help you out here. It costs real money to close here in Washington, so we make sure things are set up so there is ultimately only one closing taking place. I suspect if you think things through you can likely pull that off yourself.


Re: … double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA)

Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA) on April 19, 2002 at 16:40:33:

Stewart Title in SeaTac, WA will do a simultaneous closing; but the best way is “JR and/or Assigns”; saves on transfer taxes and miscellenous fees.

I don’t know who Joe uses in Tacoma as I only moved here a few months ago. I only started last month in getting contacts started in this area. It was actually the topic for our last Pierce County investor’s club meeting.

Re: … double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA)

Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA) on April 19, 2002 at 21:34:50:

Tim Fierro–(WA)---------------

If you wanted to find out which title company/ies Joe Kaiser uses, you might be able to do so very easily. Check the county records office for deeds to Joe. Look at those deeds and see which title company name is stamped at the top of the deed.

I like your writing style.

Good Investing and Good PostingRon Starr*

Re: … double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by JT

Posted by JT on April 19, 2002 at 17:15:10:

Great and thanks, Stewart has a local office nearby so I won’t have to go out of my way; btw what’s your take on using these techniques (L/O’s, Flips, etc.) in some of the nearby rural counties ie: is using the techniques a numbers game and better suited for the more populated areas or should it not really matter?

Re: … double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA)

Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA) on April 19, 2002 at 21:52:52:

I figured Joe would let us know when he sees the message.

My writing style? Must come from years of being on a keyboard. :slight_smile:

Re: … double closing in WA / JoeKaiser or Tim - Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA)

Posted by Tim Fierro (Tacoma, WA) on April 19, 2002 at 17:29:08:

Motivated sellers and a good deal can take place anywhere.

Yuppies Todd & Muffie can have financial problems when the Humvee bites the big one and may need to sell the home to fix the Humvee.

Just like Farmers Elmer & Marge can have financial problems with the 80yr old tractor finally bites the big one and the farm can’t be tilled. They may need to sell and get out of the farming business.

Many different types of sellers, many different types of motivation, many different techniques. Fill the arsenal and you can be prepared no matter if you are working in Downtown Tacoma, or the cabin on the Snohomish River.

Per the Rock (Scoprion King) … IT DOESN’T MATTER