The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by KC

Posted by RichV(FL) on January 29, 2006 at 11:21:32:


I dont know if you are an investor in the FL market. If you are then you will certianly know that our market has not only counted on speculators for the increase in values. Sure they did run it up from 04-05 but thats about it. We also have younger families and large number of boomers that have fueled the market in past years.

This area has been seeing soild growth since 1999-2000.

Many investors are just kicking back now and waiting to scoop up deals.

I wish I had more time to talk about this but my time is so limited today. If your an investor locally here drop me an email we can BS about the market. I have been a full timer here for about 7 years now.

To be frank with you Gene I hope you are right about a big downturn…it will give me a chance to grab deals left and right.


The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by KC

Posted by KC on January 25, 2006 at 20:40:57:

I’ve read various forecasts suggesting that areas such as Houston, parts of Florida, Chicago and even Cleveland are poised to see substantial price increases in the next 12-18 months.

I’m curious as to any other forecasts other board members have come across.


Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by Mark (SDCA)

Posted by Mark (SDCA) on January 28, 2006 at 13:39:01:

Wrong question. Where are the next BUST areas? That is what you want to know. Buy at the bottom. If a place is booming, you are too late.

The new Best way to invest…FUNDAMENTALS - Posted by Gene

Posted by Gene on January 28, 2006 at 11:01:06:

Now that appreciation isnt so strong, I suggest learning how to invest on solid fundamentals.

Over the last couple years its easy and fun to buy anything at any price and quickly make money on appreciation. But thats over now, and many markets will take away alot of what it so easily gave.

Learn to set up solid investments that are based on solid fundamentals. For me a deal needs to cashflow with less than 20% down. And cashflow means the rent is at least 20% more than the morgage payment - so you don’t get stuck paying all the small things out of pocket.

Fundamentally sound investing is about to be the real game again. Speculators are about to witness a blood bath.


Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by RogerN

Posted by RogerN on January 27, 2006 at 22:38:26:

Fortune Mag 12-26-05 lists San Antonio as numero uno.

Central Florida - Posted by REguy

Posted by REguy on January 26, 2006 at 21:24:53:

It’s still cheap here in central Florida and the market is still strong. Areas in and around Gainesville in particular.

Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by adam

Posted by adam on January 26, 2006 at 10:27:02:

im in cleveland and prices are very cheap, great potential for cash flow. lots of redevelopment downtown and in the western burbs. at least its moving in the right direction

Tampa Bay is Still Booming - Posted by Jeff

Posted by Jeff on January 26, 2006 at 09:50:14:

I love it!

Petersburg VA - Posted by Clint

Posted by Clint on January 26, 2006 at 06:29:12:

Dirt Cheap, Ft Lee is getting 80,000 troops in the next five years due to BRAC…Plenty of opportunities.

Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by John Vosilla

Posted by John Vosilla on January 26, 2006 at 24:09:55:

Exhurbs in places like Houston and Atlanta will really boom when construction slows down this next down turn. They are just over building way too much these days.

Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by Bill H

Posted by Bill H on January 26, 2006 at 24:02:09:

Statistics say as the nation ages…more seniors…about 42 percent of the poplulation will live in the sout and southeastern portin of the nation.

I have not seen any statistics that say which states or cities…just so far a generality that the seniors will move south to get out of the cold.

Good Luck,
Bill H

Re: The next real estate boom areas? - Posted by charles

Posted by charles on January 25, 2006 at 23:39:53:

B A L T I M O R E ------ Lots of great deals here and opportunities.


Re: Tampa Bay is Still Booming - Posted by RichV(FL)

Posted by RichV(FL) on January 26, 2006 at 18:05:47:


You bet it is. The west coast of FL is holding strong. We are getting more listings on the mls and some people are ajusting prices. But other than that its still looking very good here.

I would say it is more of a balanced market now rather than a hardcore sellers market.

I’m sure our conditions are due to the first of the boomers turning 60 this year. Over the next several years we are going to see many of them looking for second homes.

Great Success,


Booming or BUSTING? - Posted by Gene

Posted by Gene on January 28, 2006 at 11:05:50:

“We are getting more listings on the mls and some people are ajusting prices”.

Let me get this right, Prices are dropping and inventory is thru the roof. How is that a good thing for the market?

The speculators are leaving the market. There is going to be a HUGE void in demand.

This isn’t a short term dip, its the begging of a free fall.

Good luck