Texas tax liens or tax liens in general - Posted by Thomas

Posted by Bill H on February 23, 2004 at 16:37:42:


These questions have been asked and answered over and over. Go to every board that you frequent and search their archives for tax liens or tax certificates or tax deeds. You will turn up all the information you need.

Good Luck,
Bill H

PS: If you bought the tax deed in Texas there are lots of liens that survive the sale.

Texas tax liens or tax liens in general - Posted by Thomas

Posted by Thomas on February 23, 2004 at 15:24:17:

I know how a tax lien works, I just need a little help with the intricate details. When researching the property, how do I go about finding out if there’s any other costs to the property? I don’t want to purchase a property and then find out I owe a bunch of money for other stuff. Will simply researching the deed at the courthouse tell me all I want to know?

How do I go about finding out the actual physical address? A lot of what I see is stuff like " Lot 2 of block 40 in a named subdivision." Will the court house have this info?

Lastly, once I’ve bought the lien at the county tax auction, what now? Do I need to buy Title insurance? How do I do this? Anything else I should know?

I appreciate the help! Thanks
