Tenant wants to move early - Posted by Lisa (Wis)

Posted by Jim FL on November 11, 2002 at 20:00:06:

Glad to help.
No, I probably will not be attending the convention, my mouth is too big.

Then again, I could change my mind, and come just to see some old friends, I do miss that.

Take care Phil, hopefully everything is going well for you sir.

Jim FL

Tenant wants to move early - Posted by Lisa (Wis)

Posted by Lisa (Wis) on November 11, 2002 at 09:49:35:

My tenant who is under a year-long lease which expires in September, 2003 informed me that she became unexpectedly pregnant and would like to move out by March, 2003. The property is in Wisconsin. Could someone tell me what my exposure is in this situation and what my best options are? Thanks!

Re: Tenant wants to move early - Posted by Anne_ND

Posted by Anne_ND on November 11, 2002 at 13:33:45:


What does your lease say? What do the tenant/landlord laws of Wisconsin say?

I now use Louis Brown’s lease and it’s a beautiful thing when it comes to moving out early (for me as landlord, that is). If your lease has no move-out clause, then I suggest you work out something with this tenant that will work for both of you since she’s giving you several months notice: i.e., in return for not holding her responsible for the rest of the rent, she allows you to show the place before she moves out, and she pays rent & utils until you find a new tenant. This doesn’t have to be punitive, but make sure your needs are met.

Just be certain you know the tenant/landlord laws in your state to make sure you do not step on any legal toes.

good luck,

Re: Tenant wants to move early - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on November 11, 2002 at 15:35:07:

I just wanted to tell you I agree, Louis Brown has some GREAT stuff in his forms.
I am always working on tweaking my systems, and after reading his forms, my personal forms under-went some changes.

I like the move out clause and use one now myself.

Take care,
Jim FL

Re: Tenant wants to move early - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on November 11, 2002 at 18:27:13:

Hi Jim,

What’s Louis Brown’s move out clause say?


Re: Tenant wants to move early - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on November 11, 2002 at 19:23:30:

I’m not sure if it is proper to share a form, or not, so I’ll just say this…
The move out clause goes something like this:

“EARLY RELEASE AND/OR RETURN OF PROPERTY: Resident may be released from the obligation to pay the rents contained herein, as of the last day of a rental month, before the expiration of the initial term or any extensions by:
(a) Giving Management a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice, plus
(b) Paying all monies due through date of release, plus
(c) Paying an amount equal to one month’s rent as a release fee, plus
(d) Returning Property in a clean, undamaged ready-to-rent condition as follows:
(i) Carpets, walls, floors, appliances, bathroom fixtures and other areas of the house have been cleaned and are ready for the new Resident. Resident shall provide proof that the carpets were professionally cleaned or a rental cleaner was used; and, if pets allowed, professionally treated for ticks and fleas or pay a fee to be determined by management for this purpose.
(ii) Yard and shrubbery are neatly trimmed and leaves, trash and other debris have been removed from premises.
(iii) Resident allows Management to show premises and post sign during 60 day notice period.
(iv) Resident has returned all keys to Management.
(v) Resident has given Management his/her forwarding address.
(vi) Resident has paid all final bills on all utilities that have been his/her responsibility under this Agreement.
Management shall claim damages for any charges for rent, repairs or any other damages sustained by Management under the terms of this Agreement. These shall be paid within seven (5) days after vacating premises. If not paid as stated herein, Resident agrees to pay Management eighteen percent (12.5%) per annum.”

Or something like that.
This is mine, but just some minor changes to his, nothing really that significant.
Jim FL

P.S. If you ever get a chance to get Louis Browns forms, do so.
I got mine on Ebay for a few bucks. A used copy for a GREAT deal. Several things I use daily now in my own forms.

Thanks Jim - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on November 11, 2002 at 19:41:30:

That works for me. I do understand that Louis Brown has some of the best forms.

Are we going to see you at the convention this year.

All the best