Ted Thomas RIP OFF - Posted by j

Posted by Dan on March 07, 2005 at 16:12:33:

I would not do that to your friend. The stuff the course is supposed to teach you can learn on him own better

Ted Thomas RIP OFF - Posted by j

Posted by j on December 16, 2004 at 15:07:01:

Just a warning about Mr. Thomas and his company Jones & Trevor Marketing.
Almost 2 yrs ago I signed up for a big ‘Foreclosure Course and $4000. boot camp’ for the SALE price of $1800.00.

Well the course material was ouptdated and the BIG BOOT camp never materialized.
Others that signed up for this program, sent the material back and got a refund. I have had to hire lawyers and even then after promising to remit my monies. NOTHING has occured.
I have heard Mr Thomas speak and preach how you must be HONEST in this field. He obviously does not practice his own preachings.

I have purchased others materials from the Gurus and found it not to be as sdvertised, returned it and gotten a full refund. I repect these for the honeszty of there words and actions.

So please avoid this unscruplious character and his false promises and outdated materials.

Good Investing

Re: Ted Thomas RIP OFF - Posted by d c

Posted by d c on January 14, 2005 at 14:25:42:

I bought Ted Thomas tax lien and certificates course. The course is basically an infomercial that does not teach you anything you cannot learn by your self by spending some time n the courthouse. Furthermore, he sell his courses on 2 grand lies: First, the 100% money back guarantee is a lie. I have been trying to get me money back for 6 moths to no avail. Second, he says that he will help you get started by buying two properties with his money. That is also a lie since he never replies to your request.


Re: Ted Thomas RIP OFF - Posted by acw

Posted by acw on December 19, 2004 at 11:13:20:

Thanks for the tip…Sorry to hear about your problems.

Have you contact the Federal Government officials about this scam?

They are probably your best bet. Once Thomas hears that the FEDs are looking into his practices…you can be sure (if he any common sense) he will refund any monies given.

Try the Federal Trade Commission.

Re: Ted Thomas RIP OFF - Posted by mike cangemi

Posted by mike cangemi on March 04, 2005 at 13:48:42:

In '97 I bought Ted’s tax lien course but do not remember the cost. I never used it and was going to sell it to a friend who is interested…would you have estimate its value? Is there anything redeemable in it, any thoughts or opinions?