Tax Sales - Posted by Nate - PA

Posted by Tony Colella on November 22, 2005 at 18:26:32:

I am not certain if you are including the land in the tax sale but let’s assume not for starters.

Anytime you buy a mobile home that sits upon the private land of another, you may be in for a fight. Cover you assets.

If the land is also included, then you may be onto a great outlet of opportunity. Proceed much like we do with foreclosure deals in the book.

Let us know what you find out.


Tax Sales - Posted by Nate - PA

Posted by Nate - PA on November 22, 2005 at 15:29:26:

I attended the latest “Judicial Sale” in a neighboring county last week and noticed several mobile homes that did not receive a bid. From my understanding, in that scenario, these will end up on a repository list, in which they are up for bid (upon negotiation with the tax claim director). Has anyone purchased a MH like this before?

I am assuming that once you located the home and the lot it is on, and “let yourself in” to check it out, you could place a bid based on what you see.

I am anxious to hear if this has been done, and how it resulted if so. Thanks.

Re: Tax Sales - Posted by Bill H

Posted by Bill H on November 22, 2005 at 19:44:55:


Like Tony says…be careful…a mobile home sitting on a property subject to tax sale …may very well…NOT be included in the tax sale…it can be considered personal property and subject to repossession and the lawful lender coming and taking it off.

I buy lots of tax sale certificates/deed/liens, etc and see this from time to time.

Good Luck,
Bill H