Tax Issue - Posted by Randy
Posted by Randy on March 13, 2007 at 22:01:41:
Heres the senario.
I own a condo that right now has no equity in it due to market conditions (New Jersey). It is vacant and killing me, so i have had to come up with creative solutions. My monthly payments are just about 2,000 per month and 1,400 of it is interest payments. Taxes are 3,600 per year. If i lease option it out, my income will only be 1,500 per month, leaving me with a negative cash flow of 500.
I have a partner lined up who is willing to come out of pocket each month for the 500 short-fall in return for taking advantage of the morgage interest payment write-offs. I know as long as i dont take the write-off too, put it in writing, that she will be able to take the write-off on her taxes, and i will be left with taking the 3,600 tax write-off
I thought that the 500 per month could be written off as a loss for her, and then she could get the 16,800 interest write-off on top of that. However, Patricia said that the IRS may look at that as double-dipping and that if the partner comes out of pocket 500 each month and takes the 1400 write-off, its like they are paying 500 for 1,400 write-off which equates to a 900 write off.
Does it matter if the partner does or does not have a share in the equity at the time of closing, if since on a lease option, i do not know if the sale will happen in 1,2, or 3 years.
Does there have to be a limited partnership agreement or a joint venture agreement? Is there a way to structue this deal so that the partner can take the 500 each month AND the 1,400 i give them?
The partners incentive to give the 500 each month is only to get tax write-offs. should i opffer them the tax write-offs as well if it is only a 900 write off?