suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Brenda (OH)

Posted by Dr. B. (OH) on March 03, 2010 at 13:36:39:

In the beginning I worked right along side him or somewhere in the home so I learned what he can do and how fast he could do it. Once I got a feel for his speed, I could tell he was not ripping me when he gave me his hours at the end of the week. If we run out of materials on the job, he prefers to come back tomorrow than stand around wasting my money until I return with materials!

I usually meet him at the work site and pay him cash out of pocket at the end of each week. Unless he’s had few hrs that week, then he prefers I pay him at the end of the following week unless I happen to be around. On two occasions I have not been able to pay him due to cash flow issues which I explained to him. I always pay him first when the $$ comes in, even if it means paying penalties on my credit cards. My handyman is a much more valuable asset than my credit cards.

Because he can work when he wants to, I have to put up with his occasional unavailability while he re-roofs a friend’s barn or something.


suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Brenda (OH)

Posted by Brenda (OH) on March 01, 2010 at 19:51:20:

After working with sweaty palms to patch a mobile home roof today (heights are SO NOT MY THING) I am ready to admit that I need to start hiring out repair work on a regular basis to get to the next level in my investing…

Has any one hired a contractor for 1 to 2 days a week only, when starting the transition out of doing their own repairs?

How did you word your ads for craigs list etc?

I know it would be ideal if they furnished their own tools, and carried workmans comp insurance, and drove themselves to the work site, but is that too much to dream for?

I want a contractor, not an employee, if I can do that, so that I do not have to do withholding, provide insurance etc.

I have not seen this topic posted recently, and with the changes in the economy, I am wondering if anyone has hired out repairs recently…any new wrinkles in the situations?

Would $8.00 an hour be likely to fly? I have paid $10/hour for day labor, what have folks paid for semi-skilled?

I am thinking I could have a contractor do roof coatings, floor repairs, install countertops, painting, install carpeting, and maybe cut wooden trim for flooring installs…

Brenda (OH)

Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Sherm

Posted by Sherm on March 06, 2010 at 10:08:44:

You have to decide whether you want a professional or a handyman. Your comment about them having insurance and tools and a truck are hallmarks of professionals but not necesasarily of handymen.A contractor with insurance and appropriate tools and transportation will require at a minimum of 30.00 and hour or more depending on your location.

Handymen do not consider the real cost of being in business, therefore they are somewhat undependable and constantly operating on the edge. Now consider what would happen if the brother in law of the trailer park resident, started working for you and got hurt on your job. Since you are in the mobile home “business” that policy on the trailer will not protect you. His injury will open up your personal assets to his lawsuit. Suddenly his 10.00 an hour does not look so cheap. Usually in construction type injuries the plaintiff will sue not only the general contractor he is working for but the owner of the property. I was just thinking in the case of a lonnie dealer working a park and their handyman gets hurt, does this also open up the park owner to liability? Even though Lonnie Dealers are not required to be licensed, holding ourselves out to be “in the business” makes us liable in ways a homeowner is not.

Many people play russian roulette daily on insurance issues and get away with it, but some do not. You really need to get legal and insurance advice on this before you go any further. I have seen this first hand with a man that I know that had been building spec houses. A man that was working for him by the hour and not covered by comp fell off of a scaffold and broke his back. The contractor lost his nearly complete paid for house in the lawsuit as well as a 50 acre farm unrelated to the accident. Cheap comes with a price.

Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Mike Scarbrough

Posted by Mike Scarbrough on March 02, 2010 at 11:59:07:

I’ve found the best way to find a part-time/low cost repair person is to get the word out. Let the residents in the parks you do business with know that you are looking for someone to do some MH repair.

Also, ask the managers of some small parks in the area if they can recommend someone. I say small parks, because they may not have enough work to give to a repairman that they like and be willing to give you a name. Usually someone knows a guy that has experience and is looking for some work.

I would also recommend, if you are doing a complete rehab, that you give the person one or two small jobs to start with and make sure you are satisfied with the quality/price of the work.

There’s nothing worse than having someone start a bunch of different jobs on a rehab, realize they are in over their head and leave. Then your stuck with numerous badly started jobs.


Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Don-NY

Posted by Don-NY on March 02, 2010 at 10:53:22:

You will go through some duds but there are some great low cost Craftsmen out there. Usually retired. Keep looking until you find a good fit, do not settle for barely adequate.

Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Dr. B. (OH)

Posted by Dr. B. (OH) on March 02, 2010 at 08:49:47:

I have hired a guy as a contractor for extra help after interviewing several people from an ad I put in the penny saver. Plumber most of the time could do most other work. $20/hr He was pretty good but that $20 multiplies pretty fast.

I found my other handyman (before the above guy) by noticing a fantastic porch built on to one of my buyer’s homes. I asked who did it? Brother. Does he need any work? She’ll ask. 3 days later I got a call from her with his number. He has 20 yrs flooring experience and often ran crews of 8-12 ppl. Retired. He can do almost anything though prefers not to do electrical. Started him at $8/hr. Immediately raised him to $10 then $15 then after about 1 yr, $20/hr. He is worth every penny and more. Refuses to waste my time and money. Takes no lunch, works up to 6 hrs/day. He gets more done in 3 hrs than I’ve seen 2 people get done in a day. He does odd jobs for other people too but works relatively close to home (east side Cincinnati).


Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by Alan (Tyler Tx)

Posted by Alan (Tyler Tx) on March 01, 2010 at 21:51:49:

Check out Craig?s list under “services”
skill trade
real state
you should be able to find all the help you need.
What you pay depends on how skilled they are and what you need done.
Get written quotes DO NOT HIRE BY THE HOUR they will eat you alive.
They will have their own tools or don’t hire them.
NEVER EVER give them a deposit.
If they need money for material meet them at the home center and pay for the material yourself and make them deliver to the job site immediately.
Or pick up material yourself and have ready for them.
Pay with a check unless you?re getting a fantastic deal then make them right paid on their quote and sign it.
Watch out for the cheap first job then as you get comfortable with them the price will start to creep higher and higher.
Don?t become there friend.
Get out of there way and let them do their job.
Most of them won?t have any insurance. The ones that do will charge a lot more.
Discuss with your insurance agent if this is a problem.

Re: suggestions for wording repairman ad - Posted by mikbarlow

Posted by mikbarlow on March 03, 2010 at 08:32:44:

How do you keep track of his time and work done? Do you watch
over him or is he on his own to report hours worked to you? And how
do you pay him? Do you check his work and then pay him on the spot?
Or just how do you pay him? Once a week, 2 weeks, etc? Thanks