Submitting Offers Through Real Estate Agent - Posted by Warren

Posted by Chris (FL) on September 27, 1999 at 03:22:32:

By sending out offers from your fax you are saving your realtors time, not yours. On the other hand , if your area has as much competition as mine - fax those offers out as fast as possible - like right after you’ve looked at the house - or someone else will beat you to the punch, every time. If you fax them out yourself , you know they aren’t sitting on your realtors desk while he/she is doing something else. … If you really want to get those offers out quickly , have your wife or partner fax out offers as you call them into her on your cel phone as opposed to getting them all out when you get home. This will give you a few hours advantage. Particullarly on those houses you looked at early in the morning. A few hours can make all the difference when there’s 25 other investors out there looking at the same houses you are.

Also , don’t use any contract that is out of the ordinary when your dealing with realtors & especially lending insitiutions ( REOs). Use whatever they use. Save the seminarian buyer biased contracts for the FSBOs. You can protect yourself just fine with the standard contracts anyway. Just use an inspection clause. … … Don’t be cheap w/earnest $.

You probably will have to meet w/your realtor for the first few offers so he can be confident you’re not going to mess anything up. After all , if you are going to use him/her as your buyers broker , his signature will be on every contract you fax out. He/her doesn’t want half-as*ed offers reflecting poorly on him/her.

I would like to point out at this time that I am as close to being an expert in real estate investing as I am from beating the NFL spreads. … *&#+@#^! Seahawks

Submitting Offers Through Real Estate Agent - Posted by Warren

Posted by Warren on September 26, 1999 at 22:51:49:

Want to make an offer through realtors via fax (on my contract) however many want me to sit down with them to write it up. I am trying to increase my offers per week (via Scott Brittons article)and wanted to leverage my time by faxing out contracts. Has anyone else used this technique. Any tips or tricks and experience. Any and all is much appreciated.



Re: Submitting Offers Through Real Estate Agent - Posted by Mark Mallen

Posted by Mark Mallen on September 27, 1999 at 12:07:03:

Why don’t you just bring your contract to the property and give the realtor your offer right there? For offers you don’t want to make immediately, you need to find 1 good realtor with a phone or pager that will immediately submit your offers. That should not be that difficult since you are looking to make many offers.