subject to, or lease option? - Posted by Tim

Posted by george on January 06, 2007 at 22:35:36:


You always buy Subject To. Having the deed puts you in control of the situation.

Buying by lease option puts you in a precarious position. Suppose the owner incurs liens. They are on the property and you are responsible for them.

This is just one of many things that can happen – none of them good.

Buy Sub2 but never sell Sub2.


subject to, or lease option? - Posted by Tim

Posted by Tim on January 06, 2007 at 14:36:40:

Hello all! When purchasing do you vets prefer/recommend buying via subject to, or lease option? It seems to me that lease option is the much simpler way to go with less paperwork, explaining, etc, but what do I know. Thanks for sharing your input.