Subject To Insurance - Posted by Mark

Posted by Matt Locke on October 02, 2007 at 20:08:57: provides solutions that covers the owner and leaves the mortgage company clueless to the change in ownership.
The easiest way to insure with a single policy is to use The second easiest way is to provide a legal letter stating that the home is being placed into a trust for “Estate Planning Purposes”. Mortgage companies understand that and traditionally have processes to handle those changes. provides solutions around that methodology.
As an investor and working with investors, the idea of revealing to the mortgage company the change in ownership is rare.
Paul “Matt Locke”

Subject To Insurance - Posted by Mark

Posted by Mark on July 16, 2007 at 16:51:25:

How does one get around the insurance issue on a “Subject To” deal? Because, when insurance is changed to new owners name lender gets notified… Don’t they?


Re: Subject To Insurance - Posted by River City

Posted by River City on July 23, 2007 at 05:03:24:

So…you are asking for help to commit fraud???

Re: Subject To Insurance - Posted by Mark

Posted by Mark on July 23, 2007 at 13:35:55:

WOW… Fraud eh? Did you (or someone you know) get charged with fraud for doing a “subject to” deal?

Why are you saying it’s fraud?


Re: Subject To Insurance - Posted by Cyndi Ortiz

Posted by Cyndi Ortiz on August 01, 2007 at 15:20:53:

In a Subject 2 purchase, despite what some guru’s promote, you do need to get bank approval. We have a real estate attorney that provided us with a document that we submit with our offer requesting that the bank sign off on the purchase and that they agree not to exercise the “due on sale” clause.
It’s not illegal to purchase on a subject 2 as I’ve personally been told by realtors, but, you can cause problems for all by hiding what you are doing from the bank. It’s best just to get their okay right up front.