Subject 2 Closings- where is this done? - Posted by Phil B

Posted by Jonathan Rexford on April 02, 2004 at 11:57:36:

Title company or your attorneys office

Subject 2 Closings- where is this done? - Posted by Phil B

Posted by Phil B on April 02, 2004 at 11:00:55:

Can some one please help with questions from beginners?

My partner and I have a deal were putting together “Sub 2”.
We have a motivated seller willing to ‘walk away’ from all
the equity in the property but unsure about the exact
means on how to close.

Is this handled at a title company? or can this be done
at an attorneys office?

Is there any pro or cons to either of these options?
I would like to hear from anyone with experience.

Thanks in advance for all your help.


Re: Subject 2 Closings- where is this done? - Posted by Larry TX

Posted by Larry TX on April 02, 2004 at 14:51:12:

It depends on your state. Where do conventional sales close in your state. You may find that not all title companys and lawyers are willing to close subject-2. Try to find investors and get recomendations as to who they use.