Sub2 from divorcing couple--Quit Claim? help! - Posted by Tom

Posted by John Merchant on December 09, 2006 at 11:51:40:

I’d sure recommend your having a title co. run title and tell you exactly what’s needed so you end up with good-nuff title with right docs from H & W.

Sub2 from divorcing couple–Quit Claim? help! - Posted by Tom

Posted by Tom on December 07, 2006 at 14:30:01:

Couple getting divorced, and aren’t communicating. I’m dealing mostly with him, and buying their house Subject To. Should I get her to quit claim her interest to me or my company, or does she have to quit claim it to her soon-to-be ex-husband for it to be legal? How would either of these ways affect my ability to take title in a Land Trust, which is what I want to do? Thanks.