Stephen Cook - Posted by Juanita Det, MI

Posted by JASONWILLIS on January 11, 2002 at 12:46:53:

I think you mean DACOOK - on Ebay - He is actually Steve’s brother - I purchased the course from his as well and had the same questions. Boy - I can’t wait to get started…


Stephen Cook - Posted by Juanita Det, MI

Posted by Juanita Det, MI on January 11, 2002 at 09:14:44:

I am new to investing and saw Stephen Cooks course on ebay. Is it a good one for a beginner? I only have a few books from the library and am looking to get down to business.
Thank you everyone,
Juanita Jones

Re: Stephen Cook - Posted by phil fernandez

Posted by phil fernandez on January 11, 2002 at 09:22:17:

Personally knowing Steve and what he has accomplished, I’m sure his course is topnotch. I’d definitely get it.

The poor fellow who is selling it on eBay. Talk about stepping over dollars to collect pennies. I’d say that guy is totally unmotivated.

Re: Stephen Cook - Posted by bob¶

Posted by bob¶ on January 11, 2002 at 10:52:24:

Who knows, he may have “mastered” Mr. Cook’s system & wants to share his wealth of knowledge with others!

Good Luck & Good Investing.